Friday, November 5, 2010

Some Healthy Cooking and Eating Habits You Need to Adopt

Apart from sticking to a planned diet, there are certain healthy habits you need to adopt to ensure a successful diet plan.

You should already have a written menu.

Start counting your calories as soon as you pick up food to eat. This will discourage you from eating high calorie foods.

Eat about five moderate but balanced meals spread out through the day in order to keep your metabolism stable.

Eat more sea foods and vegetables than any other high calorie proteins. Do not eat the skin of animals as they contain a lot of unwanted fats.

If you need to snack, snack generally on fresh fruits, vegetables, low fat yoghurt or cereals.

Generally increase your water, fruit and vegetable intake and engage in one form of moderate exercise or the other.

Choose the healthier carbohydrates like potatoes, unripe plantain and unprocessed wheat. Eat light meals, especially at night, if you don’t exercise enough to burn off the excess food.

Your meals should be in this proportion; Carbohydrates , proteins , fats , vitamins and minerals .

Limit intake of salt and saturated oils like palm oil and increase intake of healthy oils like olive oil and oil from fish. Saturated fat is bad for the heart.

Avoid soft drinks, alcohol and junk food. Eat egg white instead of yolk.
Eat more brown foods like beans, wheat and potatoes. They help control cancer.

Carry your snack of fruits and vegetables with you wherever you go, to avoid the temptation of eating wrong.

Avoid fried foods. Boil, steam, grill or roast your foods. Use French dressing instead of mayonnaise in your salads.
When you boil your beef, chicken etc, allow the stork to cool, so you can separate unwanted fat from the liquid.

Use margarine spread instead of butter. Plant fat is healthier and is easily digested.

Cook white sauces instead of our oily African stews.

Eggs and vegetables should boil for only seven minutes or you destroy the natural nutrients in them.

Drink yoghurt or low fat milk instead of full cream milk.
Use honey instead of refined sugar. Cut down on your coffee intake. Do not drink coffee on an empty stomach as this can lead to certain unwanted ailments.

Certain Things You Must Know About Losing Weight

Before going on a diet, you must first psyche yourself up and agree to follow a strict pattern.

The diet plan should be consistent in order to achieve good results.

Do an MIR scan to find out the quantity of fat in your body.

Do a BMI {Body Mass Index] check to ascertain your real body weight.

You need a scale to weigh yourself on a daily or weekly basis and a note book to record your weight progressively. Ensure that you enter all the records of your weight as well as the number of calories consumed daily, into your notebook accordingly.

If you do not record any weight loss in a particular week, know that you are indulging yourself. So, cut down on certain foods accordingly.

Do not skip meals. This can result in hunger pangs which makes you crave for high calorie foods which will mess up your diet plan.
Eat five small, low calorie balanced meals spread throughout the day.

Eat with smaller plates which make you eat less. When plenty of food is available on a big plate, you tend to eat more.

Control hunger pangs by increasing the protein in your diet. Proteins like beans, chicken and fatless beef keep you fuller longer than other foods, ensuring that you eat less. Ten percent more protein in your diet can make you feel fuller than a person with less protein and more carbohydrate.

Variety can affect what you eat and how you eat. There is a tendency for you to want to touch as much food as possible at a buffet, thereby over eating.

Low fat dairy products absorb fat from the body. The calcium in dairy products binds fat molecules in food. This fat is then passed out as faeces instead of ending up on your hips and tummy.

Increase your fresh fruit, vegetable and water intake, as well as physical activity. Exercises are just as vital as restrictions on food, for a successful weight management.
Three litres of water daily, thirty minutes of physical activity five times a week and 5 portions of fruit and vegetable in recommended by WHO.

Want To Live A Healthier Longer Life? Change Your Lifestyle.

You don’t want to be restricted by ill-health or overweight in your journey through life! You want to live a long and useful life! So, change your lifestyle. Change the way you think about food. Start a weight loss diet plan that appeals to you today.

It has been observed in recent times, that more and more people are becoming victims of one ailment or another. More people are aging faster, and obesity, even in children, has become the order of the day. People need to be sensitized and educated on this trend so that they know what to do to redress the situation.

Healthy eating, a shift from our modern lifestyle is the solution to most of our diseases, premature aging and obesity. You will discover that you can attain and maintain good health just by eating right. Proper diet can also help you age without looking wrinkled.

More than 80% of diseases these days are caused by our diet and lifestyle. Because of our busy lifestyles and schedules, more and more people are opting for unhealthy high calorie fast foods instead of traditional healthy low calories home – cooked meals. Today, we indulge in sophisticated preserved canned and refrigerated foods. Dr S.E. Osawe, a nutritionist, encourages us to take the trouble to understand and appreciate the value of nutrition and herbal medicine in the maintenance and restoration of good health, as well as in the building up of the immune system for a long, happy an useful life.

Most diseases can be prevented if only people can be persuaded to go back to basics and eat more natural foods like fruits, vegetables, healthier proteins and carbohydrates. They should not wait to be faced with a life – threatening situation before they change their diet.

Death rate in the US in the early 1900 from heart –related diseases was 15%. Presently, over 400 die daily from bad diets and habits.
Our fore fathers lived long and healthy lives because of their natural diet. Present day Chinese and Taiwanese grow rice but do not grow fat on rice. They eat small portions of rice with plenty of vegetables, while we Africans, especially West Africans, eat large bowls of rice with very little meat or fish, and hardly any vegetables and grow fat on rice. Life expectancy in China is about 120 years while in West Africa, it is less than 70.

Some hereditary diseases like diabetes continue to manifest over time because of wrong diet. Ignorance has a part to play in our choice of food. Someone needs to change the diet in such families for the better in order to redress the trend.
No drug will stop aging and death, but with the right type of diet, most of the attendant problems of aging and disease will be minimized and we can live a healthier and comfortable life until God decides to call us.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Good health has to do with general physical and mental well- being in a person. It is necessary for us to understand and maintain this state of well-being in order to have our bodies for us to understand and maintain this state of well – being in order to have our bodies function at optimal level. This can be achieved through healthy eating, which simply means eating a balanced diet. It s important that we make an effort to follow a healthy diet, and if possible, a weight loss programme.

You can opt for either a crash, or a steady progressive diet programme. While the former gives faster results, the latter gives long term but sure results.
The crash programmes are usually used to kick start diet programmes. A good diet programme should provide enough nutritional value to make it healthy enough. Being on a diet should not prevent you from eating enough food throughout the day. Eat balanced meals made up of five small meals, spread out through the day.

For positive results, you must change your attitude towards food, and do away with bad eating habits. All foods are necessary for good health, only if eaten in the right proportion and in the right way.
A balanced meal should be approximately in the following proportion – carbohydrates 50%, protein 30% fats 20%.

Breakfast can comprise of cereals, or slice of whole wheat bread with egg white/few sardines or four akara balls/ moi-moi [bean meal] with Nigerian pap as well as honey, low or non – fat / milk, fresh fruits and juices.
Lunch: assorted soups, grilled or boiled chicken, fish, lean beef with salads or whole wheat bread/crackers; as well as fresh fruit/ juices, low or non – fat milk/diet coke. Small portions of healthier carbohydrates like plantain, yam potatoes, eko [corn meal] can be eaten with plenty of vegetable soup [Nigerian].
Dinner: assorted soups, salads or good portion of lean protein as well as fruits/ juices. All foods should be eaten in small quantities.

Snack mainly on your essential fruits, vegetable as well as juices, yogurt and low or non – fat milk. With this diet programme, you can lose 1kg in 2 weeks

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Even though most Nigerian diets consist mainly of carbohydrates, you can still eat and stay trim n Nigerian foods. The secret is making the right choices and counting your calories. It is wiser to stick to the healthier carbohydrate and low calorie foods.

The following diet menu is a guide on a weight loss programme.
BREAKFAST: 1. Bowl of cereal [oats, cornflakes, pap [corn cereal]; one boiled egg white.
2.1 slice of whole wheat bread with boiled egg white/ 2 sardines.
3.3 -4 akara balls/one moimoi, pap.
Use honey instead of sugar. All options should be accompanied with low/non-fat milk, glass of fresh orange/grape fruit juice/one apple /slice of pine apple; tea/water.
LUNCH: 1. 2 dishing spoons boiled beans/brown/black eyed peas, or one moimoi or ½ medium unripe /half ripe plantain or ½ medium sweet potato.
2.One boiled/roasted /half – ripe plantain.
3.One slice yam/ sweet potato/ 2 eko agidi [corn-meal].
4.Two dishing spoons of unripe plantain/yam pottage .
Since it is unwise to deprive yourself of some of your favorite foods, some of the less healthy carbohydrates can be eaten. 2 dishing portions of rice,/ a small wrap of garri/ pounded yam/ semovita/ few cuts of fried ripe plantain, cake, ice cream can be eaten ONLY once a week.
Meals should be accompanied with good portion of no-fat beef, fish, chicken, low fat tomato stew/vegetable soup, fresh fruit/ fruit juice, low fat milk/diet coke/water.
DINNER: 1. Chicken beef or fish pepper soup.
2.3 -4 akara balls/one moimoi
3.Vegetable salads, fruit salad.
4.1 slice whole wheat bread/few crackers.
All meals should be accompanied with beef, chicken or fish; water, fruit, fruit juice, low fat milk.
Use French dressing for salads instead of salad cream/mayonnaise.
If you stay up late and feel you are peckish, snack on fruits/fruit juice, vegetable, tea, cereal.
To ensure that you have your essential minerals, vitamins, eat your vegetable/fruit salad/fruit/fruit juice before tour main meal. This way you will half- fill your stomach with fruits and vegetables so that you do not have too much space for carbohydrates and high calorie proteins. You are thus ensuring that you have your –oxidants to fight diseases in your body. You are sure to loose at least 1kg every fortnight, if you stick to this diet programme.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I am going to focus on common foods eaten mainly by Nigerians. A chart, designed to help you with your weight loss programme, is provided. You see fro yourself which foods are low in calories and know what choices to make in your journey to good health and body. In no time, you will be able to control what you eat. An average woman needs about 2000 calories, while an average man needs 2500 calories for the body to function effectively. If the body does not consume enough calories, this can result in organ damage, while consuming large quantities of calories causes the excess food to be stored as fat in the body. This eventually results in obesity. Calorie counting guides you on what to eat and what not to eat.

This chart is not exhaustive. It gives you some common foods in columns ranging from 05/10 to 300 calories.

05/10: 1 med cucumber; 1 cup spinach [green]; 1 small sachet skimmed milk;, 6 spring onions; 10 sprigs of parsley.
15: 1 egg white; 1 lemon, 1 sweet pepper [red/green].
20: 1 cup cabbage [¼ small cabbage]; 1 cup mushroom; 1 hot chili pepper;, 1 large onion.
25: 5 med garden eggs [egg plant]; 1 large tomato; 1 cup pumpkin leaves [ugu]; 1 .
cup green beans; 1 slice pineapple; 1 pawpaw.
30/35: 1 med carrot; 1 tangerine [35].
40/45: 1 tablespoon sugar [45]; 1 slice water lemon [40].
50/55: 1 tablespoon jam [55]; 1 grapefruit.
60/65: 1 apple, 1 egg yolk, 1 tablespoon honey [65], 1 slice wheat/white bread [65],
1 plain pancake, 1 orange.
70/75: 1 head lettuce; 1 6oz grilled chicken; 1 drumstick [75]; 1 tablespoon margarine spread [70]
80/85: 1 med mango [85]; chicken tomato stew [1 cup 85]; 8 oz non – fat milk [88].
90/95: 1 boiled egg [90]; 1 tablespoon peanut butter [90]; 1 glass grape fruit juice [95]
100/125: 1 banana [105]; 1 tablespoon butter [100]; 3 oz grilled fish [120], 1 piece raw
coconut [100]; 1 oz cornflakes[110]; 1 chicken frankfurters [105]; 1 portion 40 grams, 1 packet instant oats [105]; 2 sardines [130]; 10 potato chips [105]; 8 oz low fat yoghurt [125].
150/160: 1 med sweet potato [160]; 12 fl oz reg. beer [150]; 1 cup black eyed peas [190] cooked [½ cup [95]; 1 cup macaroni/spaghetti [155]; 1 unripe plantain [180], 1 Irish potato [120]; 3oz grilled bacon [165]; 1 piece fruit cake [165]; 1 cup full cream milk [167].
200: 3 oz lean beef [240]; 1 cup white rice [230]; 1 cup brown rice [225]; 3 oz ham [225]; 1 doughnut [235].
300: 3 oz corned beef [340]; 3 oz fried turkey/chicken [300]; 30z sausage [300]; 1 cup potato salad [340].

Monday, October 25, 2010


Normal progressive Diet Programme [2000 calories]

BREAKFAST: 1.5oz cereal [110] * [1 helping=42 grams]; 2 egg white [30] [1 egg white [15];, 1 glass of orange juice [110]; 8 oz non – fat milk [88]; 1 tablespoon honey [65]; tea [0]; 1 banana [105] = 508 Calories.
LUNCH: 1 Boiled Unripe Plantain [150]; UGU vegetable soup [150] (3 cups ugu [75); 6 oz fatless beef [480] [3oz =240]; 1 glass fruit juice [95]; 1 apple[60].
= 905 Calories.
DINNER: 6 oz grilled fish [240] 3 oz 120]; pepper soup [150]; plain vegetable salad [150]; 1 glass grape fruit [50]= 590 calories.
508 + 905+ 590 = 2003 calories.

BREAKFAST: 1.5oz cereal [110] * [1 helping=42 grams]; 1 egg white [15]; 1 glass of orange juice [110]; 8 oz non – fat milk [88]; 1 tablespoon honey [65]; = 388 Calories.
LUNCH: 1 boiled medium sweet potato [160]; low fat stew/vegetable soup [150]; 3 oz grilled fish [120] ; 1 mango [80] = 510 Calories.
DINNER: 1 plain pancake [60]; 1 cup vegetable salad [150]; drumstick [75]; 1 slice pineapple [25] =310 calories.
388 + 510+ 310 = 1223 calories.

If you need to snack, snack on fruits and vegetables. The following are fruits and vegetables and their appropriate calories. 1 Tomato, 5 garden eggs/egg plants, one slice of pawpaw, one slice of pineapple [25 calories], 1 carrot [30 calories], 10 grapes, 1 peach, 1 tangerine [35 calories], 1 slice water melon [40 calories]. Grapefruit, cherries [50], 1 apple/ orange [60], mango [80], 1 cut coconut [100 calories] 1 banana [105 ].

Avoid high calorie foods like cheese [cheddar] 1 oz [115]; ginger ale, 12fl oz [125]; beer [reg], 12 fl oz [150, fruit cake –1 piece [165], 1 doughnut [235]; rice 1 cup [230]; potato salad 1 cup [360].

Resolve today to change the way you think about food. Change your lifestyle, stay healthy, stay trim and live longer! Check your calories, chart and make smart choices everyday, so you do not end eating high calorie foods which you cannot burn off easily.

Generally, increase your fruit and vegetable intake while you reduce your carbohydrate intake to ensure you have your regular supply of anti-oxidants to help fight diseases.


Most diseases in our bodies arise from improper diets. Foods can be used as natural remedy for certain ailments and I believe that adequate nutrition will eventually be the medicine of tomorrow. Here are some foods which may replace the use of drugs in the treatment of diseases.

Recent discoveries in natural medicine indicate that researchers in University of Southampton, UK, may have some close to a cure for breast cancer. Watercress, a plant which boost immunity and promotes longevity, may have the ability to combat the developing cells in breast cancer. In take of this salad leaves interferes with the development of cancer cells and the growing of cells are starved of essential blood and oxygen. This way, damage to the cells and DNA is prevented. This leaf is called OMISURU in Yoruba, a Nigerian language. Other foods with anti-oxidants properties which enable cells defend themselves against damage include – peas, spinach, parsley, broccoli, carrots, red peppers, yellow fruits like mango and apricots; cabbage, cherries, grapes, beans, grape fruits and other citrus fruits, tomatoes, pawpaw, green tea, strawberries, water melon, unprocessed wheat, oats, onions, water.

Food scientists at Florida State University, USA, have come up with evidence to show that WATER MELON can be an effective natural medicine for hypertension. When taken everyday, blood pressure is consequently lowered, thereby helping to prevent or control cardiovascular diseases.

Other foods used as remedy for ailments are as follows:
Heart Disease: – apples, bananas, cherries, grape fruit and other citrus fruits, olive
oil, pea nuts, brown rice, green tea, strawberries, tomatoes, onions.
Blood Pressure Problem: Avocado, bananas, mushrooms, pawpaw, lemons.
Diabetes: Avocado, brown rice, oats, olive oil.
Constipation: beans, chili peppers, apples, cabbage, carrots, honey, unprocessed wheat, oats.
Reduction of Cholesterol: oats, mushroom, tomatoes, water melon, unprocessed wheat, low fat yoghurt, onions, peanuts.
Building up immunity: oranges and other citrus fruits, yoghurt.
Bone problem: pine apple, yoghurt, sweet potato, banana.
Poor eyesight: sweet potatoes, pawpaw, carrots, grapes.
Prostrate problem: tomatoes, water melon, peanuts.
Ulcers: Yoghurt, honey.
Wounds: Honey.
Weight Loss: Olive oil, peanut, water melon, water, green tea, grapefruit and other citrus fruits.
Colds: pine apple, ginger, citrus fruits.
Mood swings: sweet potato, honey, milk.
Bacteria: onions, garlic, chili peppers.
Kidney stones: brown rice, water, grapes.
Loss of energy: honey, bananas.
Alzheimer: pawpaw
Memory Loss: pawpaw, strawberries.
Skin problems: oranges, ginger, apples.
Warts: pineapple.
Stress: strawberries, honey, milk.
Hangover: banana, honey and milk shake.
Stubborn cough: bananas, ginger, citrus fruits.
Hemorrhoids: beans.
Sore throat: Chilli pepper
Diarrhoea: apples, bananas.
Sinuses Chilli peppers
Poor blood flow: ginger, grapes.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How to Diet for Weight Loss

Do you remember the days when you could eat as much as you wanted without gaining any weight? Unfortunately, as we get older, our metabolism changes, and it is not always as easy to maintain a healthy weight as it was in our younger years. But it is still essential that we take all the steps possible to make sure that we do not become obese, a condition that affects millions of Americans and is one of the leading causes of many illnesses and diseases, and even death. It is important that we try to follow a healthy diet as much as possible, and if necessary, a diet for weight loss.
Losing weight is actually a lot easier than many people may think. You don't really need to go on a strict diet that does not allow you to have any treats. In fact, when you don't get enough of the treats that you love, you can get really frustrated, and often, the diet just goes out the window. Instead of feeling like you are ruining your diet, why not include certain treats in your diet, maybe one day a week, so you can feel satisfied, but still maintain a relatively healthy diet that will help you to lose those extra pounds?
Diet for Weight Loss, the Healthy Way
For many, weight loss may seem more like a fantasy than a reality, especially for those who are extremely obese. But if you need to lose weight, you can do it in a way that is healthy, and you won't be going without any of the nutrients you need in order to be healthy. A lot of people go on crash or fad diets, but many of these diets do not provide enough nutritional value to make them healthy enough to be on for any length of time. They are fine if you are just looking for a way to kick start your diet, but should only be followed for a week or two. Then you need to start learning how to follow a diet that will help with weight loss but will also be loaded with healthy foods that will provide you with all of the proper nutrition.
It is important that you get enough food throughout the day, even when you are trying to lose weight. Instead of eating a couple of large meals during the day, it is much healthier to eat a number of smaller meals instead. This way, you will be spreading out your calories and nutrients throughout the day, and you will not be as tempted to munch on unhealthy treats, because you will not be feeling hungry all the time. And if you eat a lot of foods that are high in protein, you will pretty much always feel satisfied after your meals.
It is essential that we all eat a healthy breakfast, even if we do not have the time. It only takes a few minutes to eat a bowl of high fiber cereal made from whole grains, and with a little bit of low or non-fat milk on top, and a glass of orange juice, you now have a healthy breakfast that only takes five minutes to prepare and eat. Surely you have five minutes to spare in the mornings. If not, set your alarm a few minutes earlier, so you have time to eat the most important meal of the day.
Lunch is also important, because it is the fuel you need to make it through the afternoon. A lot of people go to the nearest takeout or the cafeteria at work to get lunch, which is not only expensive after a while, but also not overly nutritious. It can be healthy if you choose the right foods, but nine times out of ten, we tend to pick meals that aren't always the healthiest choices. Instead, bring your lunch with you to work and make sure that it includes healthy foods. A thermos with a cup of piping hot chicken soup is always a healthy option, along with some whole grain crackers, some cheese, and a bottle of diet soda.
Don't forget about a healthy dinner when you get home. Make sure that your meal contains food that is high in protein and good carbohydrates, and low in fat, especially if you are on a diet for weight loss. Use lean red meats, poultry, and fish, along with healthy vegetables and low-fat dairy products for a healthy dinner.
Healthy Snacking on Your Diet for Weight Loss
We all like to have snacks throughout the day, and this is actually quite healthy and important, as long as the snacks are not unhealthy, but good treats that are loaded with nutritional value. Usually around mid-morning we tend to get a little bit tired, and need a bit of a pick-me-up. Instead of a coffee and a donut, which is loaded with sugar and not the healthiest snack option, have a glass of water, low-fat milk, or juice, and a whole grain muffin. You will be getting plenty of protein and good carbohydrates, satisfying your craving for a sweet treat, and getting the energy you need to get you through until lunch.
About Protica Research
Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.
You can learn more about Protica at
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How Choosing a Weight Loss Diet Affects Your Entire Life

Weight loss is more than the shrinking numbers on the scale and is more than just about making your clothes fit better. You can't just change one major part of your life without it impacting every other part as well. A weight loss diet should change not only the way that you eat food but the way that you view it as well. You will see food not as a source of emotional comfort or connection but as a way to energize and renew your body. You will view food as a building block, not the centerpiece to a table or the main focus to a holiday celebration, and as you start losing weight, you will also notice a number of other things about yourself as well. You will feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically. You will look better because of your improved health which will show on your skin, your hair, and your nails. You will be able to do more because you have more energy and are more alert. A weight loss diet may also lead you to make other changes in your life, too, perhaps by quitting other bad habits, getting out of harmful relationships or by actively pursuing goals that you had previously thought were unattainable.
Your weight loss diet may affect the others around you as well, including your friends and family. You might inspire others to join you in eating more healthfully or to join in on your evening walks after the final meal of the evening. Because you are potentially going to be serving as a role model, it is important for you to choose a healthy weight loss diet, one that gives reasonable weight loss but does so in a safe and steady manner.
There Are No Bad Foods
In the world of the weight loss diet, the words "bad food" should not be spoken. The minute that you say those words, the food is imbued with magical powers and suddenly it is all that you can think of. You daydream about talking cupcakes that flirt, wink and whisper your name, or great slabs of gooey cheese pizza that seem to be so visually potent that you can smell them. According to several recent studies, those dieters who put "cheat" days into their diet as part of their overall weight loss diet lost around 10% more weight than those who were trying to stay on the strict, straight and narrow all of the time. The theory, according to these studies was that the constant dieting and deprivation sent the ghrelin (hunger) and leptin (satiety) hormones out of whack, leaving you feeling constantly starving and unable to cope with the crushing cravings. (Source: Amy Capetta)
Portion control is a better strategy for your weight loss diet than trying to eliminate several foods or entire food groups, especially those that are actually necessary or are favorites. Doing so will only backfire, leading to the cravings that can be unbearable to deal with as well as stalling or shutting down the metabolism altogether. Every year, a new fad diet comes along and tries to eliminate one food group or another for the sake of losing weight quickly and easily. Fat busters tried to completely eliminate all sources of fat from the diet; however, it was soon discovered that the body actually needed fat and there are actually good fats to be had. The same has been tried for all sources of sugar, including fruits and many vegetables and other foods at one time or another.
There Is No One Perfect Food or Food Group
While there should be no bad foods mentioned in your weight loss diet, there should also not be one food that is entirely relied on either. A diet should have balance and variety. Make sure that all of the food groups are included, as well as all of the colors of the rainbow. Even the foods that are considered to be good and healthy can get boring if they are eaten the same way all of the time. For instance, roasted turkey breast is one of the best sources of lean protein; however, if you toss it in the oven, roast it and then eat it week after week after week, you will get bored and might make a bologna sandwich instead. Remember that jazzing up foods, even the best foods, with spices and herbs not only is a way to change their flavor without adding additional calories but gives the benefit of those spices as well. Saffron, for instance, which is typically added to rice dishes, may give protection against age related blindness by protecting the eyes from sunlight damage. (Woman's World Magazine, August 2010)
In every food group that is included on your weight loss diet, there will be better food choices and worse ones. For instance, while lean, skinless turkey breast is considered the tops, dark meat turkey is higher in fats and calories as is chicken, duck, goose, and pheasant. Fish, another healthy source of protein and Omega 3 fatty acids, should be selected with care because some varieties are considered to be more optimal than others. In addition, high levels of mercury in certain fish types make them potentially dangerous, especially for pregnant women, the very young, and the elderly.
About Protica Research
Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.
You can learn more about Protica at
Copyright - Protica Research -

Want to Lose Weight Fast? Try a 1,200 Calorie Diet

Most of us have times when we need to shed a few pounds, and for a lot of people, obesity is a real problem. In fact, there are millions of people in the United States alone who are obese, and this can lead to a number of health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, and even certain types of cancer. Obesity is one of the biggest health problems faced by Americans today, and is a major cause of death.
Even if you are not obese, you may still feel the need to lose a couple of pounds now and then. Perhaps you are attending a high school reunion and want to fit into the clothes you wore back then. Or, you may have a special outfit for an occasion and you need to lose five or ten pounds to make it fit just right. This is the time when you are probably going to go on a low calorie diet, and many people try one of the unhealthy crash diets. Often, these diets are so low in calories that they have just the opposite effect that you are looking for, and you will not lose any weight at all. Typically, people should be getting 1,800 to 2,000 calories in their diets each day, and if they are dieting, around 1,500 calories. But if you want to shed pounds in a couple of weeks, you can also try a 1,200 calorie diet. This means that you will consume no more than 1,200 calories every day. And the calories you consume must come from healthy dietary sources.
Eating Healthy On a 1,200 Calorie Diet
No matter how many calories you are consuming each day, you must get those calories from as many healthy sources as possible. We all know the dangers of eating too much junk food, from obesity to high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health problems. When you are on a 1,200 calorie diet to lose weight, it is just as important to make sure that you are including healthy foods in your diet. And if you are eating the right foods, you will not find that you are hungry shortly after meals, and that you are able to stick to your diet easier (and it doesn't hurt that the diet is only short-term in the first place). Following a 1,200 diet can be just as nutritious as a diet that is higher in calories, so you will not be losing anything that your body needs to be healthy.
We all need to have certain nutrients in our diets, and it is essential that we eat foods that are rich in good carbohydrates, good fats, and protein. These are all macronutrients that are bodies need to have, and they can be found in a number of delicious dietary sources. And when you eat foods that are high in protein, you will find that you feel fuller and more satisfied after meals. High protein foods are very filling, but if you are on a 1,200 calorie diet, you also need to make sure that you choose protein foods that are not high in calories and fat. A typical diet should consist of approximately 55% carbohydrates, 15% fats, and 30% proteins.
It is important that when you are on a 1,200 calorie diet that you have a healthy balance of the right foods. These foods are those that are loaded with the nutrients you need, and are also diet-friendly. And it is always important, no matter what kind of diet you are on, to make sure that you always have something for breakfast, because you need the energy to get your day started off on the right foot. You also need to have a healthy lunch and dinner, and make sure that you are not hungry throughout the day by eating healthy snacks that are good for weight loss diets.
Enjoy Delicious Foods on a 1,200 Calorie Diet
Just because you are on a low calorie diet to lose weight fast doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice on great tasting foods. In fact, there are all kinds of diet-friendly foods that are not only great for promoting weight loss, but are also delicious. When you choose the right kinds of healthy foods, you will find that you really have little to no troubles at all following your diet for a couple of weeks. Some of the delicious foods that you should incorporate into your 1,200 calorie diet include:
- Fruits and Vegetables
- Lean Red Meat
- Poultry (White Meat)
- Fish
- Whole Grains
- Nuts and Seeds
- Low or Non-Fat Dairy Products
Within these groupings of food, you have all kinds of choices, so you should be able to plan a different meal plan for every day of the week. This is important when you are dieting, because many times, people stray from their diets because they are bored with the food they are eating. And if you are really creative in the kitchen, you can make all kinds of delicious meals that taste like your favorite take-out foods, but are healthy, will help to promote your quick weight loss, and are ideal for any 1,200 calorie diet.
Protein Supplements and a 1,200 Calorie Diet
If you do not find that you are getting enough of the right nutrients when you are on a 1,200 calorie diet, you can alleviate this by using protein supplements. There are many available that are low in calories and fat, and are excellent for any type of diet, including low-calorie diets like a 1,200 calorie diet.
About Protica Research
Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.
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Eat and Stay Healthy